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Charlie Stevens Obituary, SA Police Commissioners Son Dies After Being Struck By Car During Schoo


Charlie Stevens Obituary, Death – The youngest son of South Australia Police Commissioner Grant Stevens has passed away. He had suffered a brain injury that was unable to be treated, and as a result, his death could not be reversed. A hit-and-run collision is being investigated as the potential source of the injuries. While Charlie Stevens was allegedly enjoying the end of the school year at Goolwa Beach, which is roughly 67 kilometers south of Adelaide, at approximately 9 o’clock on Friday evening, a car allegedly struck him. Goolwa Beach is located approximately 67 kilometers south of Adelaide.

According to the information provided by SA Police, the young guy, who had just turned 18 years old, was carried to the Flinders Medical Centre, where he was pronounced dead at 7:01 p.m. (local time) on Saturday evening. He was encompassed by the company of his loved ones and close friends. Charlie was the youngest of the five children that the police commissioner and his wife, Emma, had. The police commissioner’s title was “Chief,” and Emma was his wife. In addition to being the couple’s only child, Charlie was also their youngest son.

In order to spend more time with his family, the police commissioner is going to put in for a leave of absence that will last for an amount of time that is not yet known. In the early morning hours of Saturday, Charlie’s mother used one of her various social media identities to post a message intended for her son. She referred to him in the message as “Forever 18, my lovely boy.”

