Alexee Trevizo is a 19-year-old Mexican teenager who killed her own newborn child, know about her baby father, autopsy and parents
Find out more about her.
At the Artesia General Hospital in New Mexico, a startling occurrence occurred when staff discovered a newborn baby abandoned in a trash can. The entire incident was caught on camera, showing how tragically the events turned out.
Cheerleader Alexee Trevizo age, baby father, parents, autopsy, case story, punishment, video, Reddit
19 year old Alexee Trevizo from Artesia, NM secretly gave birth to a baby boy in a hospital bathroom, suffocated/discarded him in a trashcan in attempts to hide him, and denied ever knowing she was pregnant. The baby was full-term. She is currently home awaiting trial.
by u/peachelfbar in TrueCrimeDiscussion
Teenage girl 19 years old- arrest video-
charges are 1st degree murder after throwing her newborn baby into a hospital’s trash Alexee J. Trevizo.. #Crime #AlexeeTrevizo #CrimeNews pic.twitter.com/epiSP5hwuU
— Scarlett O.King News 🌎 (@king_Scarlett_) June 11, 2023
the case explained inna short video and if u want the video in the pic search on tiktok “ alexee trevizo video “ pic.twitter.com/TgPd6O1boX
— monaeski (@terranmonae) June 14, 2023
Teenager Alexee Trevizo, 19, is currently charged with first-degree murder and tampering with evidence in relation to the incident. It is reported that she concealed her pregnancy not only from her mother but also from medical professionals, leaving the motive behind this secrecy unclear.
Security footage from the hospital shows a rushed Alexee running towards a washroom in the corridor, closely pursued by her worried mother. Despite her mother’s persistent attempts to gain entry, Alexee allegedly refused to allow her inside.
This raised suspicion among the nurses, who grew increasingly worried about her well-being during the extended time she spent locked inside. After waiting for 20 torturous minutes, a nurse entered the bathroom carrying a set of keys with the intention of taking action.
However, just moments before the nurse could open the door, Alexee Trevizo unlocked it herself. When they entered the bathroom, the nurses allegedly saw Alexee attempting to mop up a sizable amount of blood from the floor. An even more tragic turn of events occurred when a hospital employee summoned to clean up the scene saw a bleeding trash can that seemed out of place.
Following closer inspection, a nurse tragically discovered a newborn boy’s dead corpse in the trash. The hospital professionals responded quickly to the terrible discovery and determined that the baby had sadly stopped breathing.
When approached by the authorities, Trevizo admitted to killing the infant. The motive behind her actions remains unclear. Prior to being released from custody, she was given permission to finish the school year unsupervised. Now that she has been charged with her crime, she has become a hot topic of discussion, with many people trying to learn about her. So, here’s what we know about her:
Who is Alexee Trevizo?
Alexee Trevizo is a notorious 19-year-old girl. She has been in the news because of her suspected role in the death of her own newborn child.
According to reports, she gave birth to her child on January 27 at Artesia General Hospital. Subsequently, she also killed him. Police found the infant’s dead corpse inside a bathroom, wrapped in a trash bag. The baby’s premature death was caused by a lack of oxygen, according to the terrible postmortem autopsy findings. Nothing is known about her boyfriend or the father of the baby.
Alexee Trevizo was born to her parents, who are said to be from Artesia, New Mexico but their names aren’t known.
As a result, Alexee Trevizo is now accused of first-degree murder and intentionally endangering a child’s life. Trevizo was previously freed on $100,000 bail throughout the court process, which adds another level of complexity to the case.
She has been accused of serious crimes, but despite that, she has been given the go-ahead to finish the school year. However, certain conditions have been imposed, including a curfew from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., intended to monitor her activities outside of school hours.