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Everything you need to know about 'dead vagina syndrome' revealed

IF you're struggling to reach the magic O in the bedroom, then it could be easy to blame it on so-called 'dead vagina syndrome'.

The condition has been circulating group chats and forums for years, but what is it and how can we stop it plaguing our pleasure?

Women have previously told how their favourite vibrators have stopped working after continuous use.

Lacey-Jade Christie said she felt 'shook' after it failed to deliver and started to look into 'dead vagina syndrome'.

As the sex toy had only ever delivered "mind-blowing" orgasms before, Lacey understandably started to panic that she'd she may have "overcooked" her privates.

She said: "Have you heard of ‘Dead Vagina Syndrome’? It’s the idea that the overuse of your vibrator may lead to your vagina and/or clitoris losing sensitivity or even becoming numb."

Lacey went into full meltdown and feared that she may never orgasm again.

What is dead vagina syndrome?

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Stephanie Taylor, Intimate Health Expert and Founder of Kegel8 told The Sun: "Dead vagina syndrome can come from overuse of sex toys, specifically vibrators.

"This is when women lose sensitivity in their clitoris from overstimulation, in extreme cases even becoming numb. It can make it extremely hard, if not impossible, to reach orgasm without stimulation from a vibrator – or at all.

"It’s no secret that vibrators make masturbating more pleasurable, successful and quicker – they’re specially designed orgasm machines after all.

"But their high power and speed can burn us out hard and fast, removing the need to be aroused in our minds and bodies to reach orgasm – kind of like a shortcut."

While vibrating sex toys may be contribute to a loss of sensation, it’s also important to consider what else can cause a ‘dead’ vagina, Stephanie said.

"Obesity, chronic stress, drinking too much alcohol and smoking can also make it far harder to reach orgasm too.

"If you’re struggling with pleasure, first look to your lifestyle. Make healthy choices to improve your libido – cut out bad habits or at least significantly reduce."

Is it real?

Previous studies conducted into female pleasure suggest that the vagina can become slightly desensitised after the use of vibrators.

One paper, published in 2012, found that just 0.5 per cent of women said their vagina had become desensitised days after using a vibrator - a tiny per percentage.

This was also said to only last for a day - so it's dispels the myth that you will never be able to orgasm again with your favourite toy.

Another paper, published in 2005, suggests that desensitisation after the use of a vibrator lasted for less than an hour.

Speaking to The Sun, Dr Shree Datta, consultant gynaecologist at doctor-led private healthcare business MyHealthcare Clinic in London said a study in 2009 showed that over 70 per cent of women using vibrators did not have any genital side effects and overall vibrator use can improve sexual function, although the authors emphasise the need to undertake further research.

There are a number of reasons why you might not be able to orgasm, with both a partner or your trusty vibrator.

It could be down to stress, anxiety or even tiredness. And sometimes, it could be that your just not in the mood.

If you struggle to climax with a partner it might not always be down to their lack of skills - if you're using a battery operated machine, it's likely to have different techniques and settings that might be hard for an actual human being to replicate.

Limited evidence

Dr Shree explained that there is limited evidence to support dead vagina syndrome.

She said: "We know that clitoral stimulation involves changes to the blood supply and hormone release as well as neuronal stimulation.

"The pleasure you experience can also change over time as we get older, or after major life events such as having a baby or going through the menopause as our hormones change.

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"Medical conditions such as diabetes can also affect nerve sensation and sexual function.

"In addition to this, there may be a psychological element to achieving pleasure - or not as the case may be - so the sensations felt can be affected by several different factors rather than neuronal desensitisation alone."

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