After much anticipation, Miami Heat legend Dwyane Wade was finally inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame on Saturday. Wade joined a stacked 2023 Hall of Fame class that included fellow NBA legends Dirk Nowitzki, Tony Parker, Pau Gasol and legendary coach Gregg Popovich.
However, amongst all of the greats, it was Wade’s enshrinement speech that stole the show. This came as he paid a touching tribute to his father, Dwyane Wade Sr., for playing a prominent role in his successful 16-year NBA career.
According to Wade, his father took custody of him when he was nine years old as his mother, JoLinda Wade, was struggling with drug addiction. His dad then taught him what it meant to be a leader as he raised Wade and took care of his family in Illinois.

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So, during his enshrinement speech, Wade made sure to thank his father for raising him the right way and for always motivating him to work hard:
“I started this off thanking you, and I want to end it the same way. I owe you a debt of gratitude that I’ll never be able to repay,” Wade said. “When I would cry, and say ‘I can't,’ you made me go harder. You pushed me to limits that I didn't know were inside of me. The hard work I put in was because I didn't want to let you down. ”Dwyane Wade tells a humorous story about his father
During his Hall of Fame enshrinement speech, Dwyane Wade also recounted a humorous story from the days that his father coached him.
According to Wade, his dad once got thrown out of a game that he was coaching. Wade Sr. then attempted to sneak back into the game to offer his son advice. However, he was subsequently thrown out of the game a second time.
According to the Heat legend, moments like that showed him that his father was willing to do whatever it took to be there for him. Wade added that he is now trying to follow in his father's footsteps in regard to raising his own children:
“That time you got kicked out of the game as my coach and snuck back in the side door and coached me from the stands, just to get kicked out again, it showed me that there were no limitations to how you would show up for me,” Wade said. “It's the exact same way I try to show up for my kids.”Wade later concluded his emotional speech by inviting his father to join him on the stage:
“To know that we hustled our way to the Basketball Hall of Fame is God's will. So Pops, I know your knee's a little sore, but would you join me on stage as we take our rightful step into basketball heaven?”Wade and his father then embraced and celebrated his achievement together in a heartwarming moment:
“We in the Hall of Fame, dawg!” Wade said.Also read: In Photos: 5 celebrities who showed up at Dwyane Wade's Hall of Fame induction party
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