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Indian Matchmakings Pradhyuman Maloo and Ashima Chauhan spark split rumors Fri 21 Apri

Indian Matchmaking is back in 2023 with a brand new season and fans are curious to know where Pradhyuman Maloo and Ashima Chauhan are nowadays.

The hit Netflix show first dropped on the streaming service in 2020. Sima Taparia has had her hands full over the past three seasons helping people find love.

While Sima has had success matching some of her clients featured on Indian Matchmaking, others went their own way when it came to finding a partner.

So, let’s take a look at what happened to Pradhyuman Maloo and Ashima Chauhan after Indian Matchmaking.

Pradhyuman’s Indian Matchmaking journey

Pradhyuman Maloo first appeared on Indian Matchmaking during season 1.

Sima did her best to match Pradhyuman with many potential suitors including Rushali Rai.

However, he didn’t end up finding love through the series and was known for “rejecting 150 girls.”

Netflix star married without Sima’s help

After season 1 of Indian Matchmaking, Pradhyuman returned for season 2 – for his wedding.

The reality star tied the knot with Ashima Chauhan after following his own path to getting married.

The two got together in 2020 and later had a wedding in Udaipur.

Speaking to Vogue India in 2022, Pradhyuman said:

“Indian Matchmaking made me radically push my boundaries to understand the partner I wanted, it has given me the courage to put myself out of my comfort zone and clarify what I want in a marriage.”

Pradhyuman Maloo and Ashima Chauhan now

Judging by Pradhyuman Maloo and Ashima Chauhan’s Instagram pages now, the couple doesn’t appear to be giving much away in regard to their relationship status.

Reddit users questioned whether the couple stayed together after getting married in 2022.

One Reddit user wrote: “Last I heard, Ashima put out an Instagram post that vaguely seemed like she was talking about divorce.”

More shared an alleged post from Ashima that said she’d been going through a hard time in 2022.

Pradhyuman doesn’t share his relationship status on Facebook.

He and Ashima don’t appear to have their wedding pictures on display via their Instagrams these days.

The two still follow one another but don’t seem to be in each other’s comments section on the ‘gram.

In March 2023, Ashima shared a snap captioned: “Firefly also flies alone. But shines with its light.”

Reality Titbit and GRV Media reached out to Netflix, Pradhyuman Maloo, and Ashima Chauhan for comment.

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