She’s the reality television star of a TLC program My 600-lb Life. The whole purpose of joining the show was so that she could lose weight and stand a chance to be in her daughter’s life for as long as possible.
But Zsalynn Whitworth’s husband wasn’t as supportive as she had expected him to be. Her happiness at her weight loss was his misery.
Whitworth who lost 316 pounds in 2015, once weighed over 600 pounds. She lost the weight after undergoing weight loss surgery in 2014.
Instead of her weight loss becoming something to celebrate, Whitworth found herself losing her husband as well. Her husband, Gareth Whitworth, was completely unsupportive in her weight loss journey.
The reality star made the decision to shed the weigh when she realized how her obesity was affecting her daughter, Hannah. She came to the realization that her days with her daughter would be cut short if she didn’t act.
While out at a restaurant at some point, his wife had ordered a salad, to which he responded, that he was not going to buy her one. He insisted that if she wanted to eat grass, she could go graze in their garden.
“I’m not buying you a salad. If you want to eat grass, you can go in the garden and graze.”
Gareth Whitworth, WKBW, January 8, 2015
But Gareth wasn’t just unhappy when she had the surgery; he actively tried to sabotage her efforts to commit to a healthy lifestyle afterward. When picking her up after her surgery the first place he drove to was a drive-thru joint, where he ordered a burger.
In the end, Zsalynn made a heartbreaking decision and asked him to leave. According to her, though, the best part of her weight loss journey was her ability to be a better mom to her daughter.
Gareth had candidly said, both before and after the surgery that he would find his wife repulsive if she lost the weight. He said he’d fell in love with Zsalynn because of her size, not in spite of it.
According to My San Antonio, the star met her husband while she was an active member of the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) and while socializing in what is known as the BBW (big beautiful woman) scene.
Zsalynn said that the community built an atmosphere of acceptance, and in NAAFA, she was meeting men who loved her body because of its size:
“I got out and I met this whole world of men, really good-looking men, really well-off men, who liked fat women, I was like a kid in a candy store.”
She revealed that she would travel to the NAAFA conventions, and would meet people there who would fly her to places. It was in London that she met her husband, Gareth, who is British.
They married, and had a daughter, Hannah, in 2004. As Zsalynn gained more weight she realized it was preventing her from being the type of mother she wanted to be to her daughter.
When the star saw TLC casting for their show, she sent in a picture of herself in a pink, ruffled bikini and was ultimately cast. She lost more than half her body weight and gained the support and admiration of many, sadly while losing the support and admiration of her husband.