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Partitio - Chapter 4 - Octopath Traveler II Guide

Partitio’s Chapter 4 story in Octopath Traveler 2 brings us to the final confrontation against Roque on his very own island. This walkthrough will guide you with tips for the dungeons and boss fight as you take down the businessman.


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Roque Island

First of all, to reach Roque Island, you need to complete Partitio’s Scent of Commerce mission in Toto’haha to acquire a ship. Once you have your own ship, sail directly west from Toto’haha’s Beasting Bay: Anchorage to dock at Roque Island.


Make your way to the north end of the island town to find the Roque Headquarters. The wealthy merchant is set to make a big announcement soon. Partitio doesn’t have the required papers to attend the announcement celebration, but Ori will show up to lend a hand.

Follow Ori back to town and into the tavern to find a secret passageway. The main dungeon in this chapter is, of course, Roque’s huge headquarters.

The Roque Company: West Tower


Roque’s headquarters is split into two different maps, and we’ll be guiding you through both of them. The whole building is a Danger Level 45 zone full of enemies that are mainly weak to Lightning and Bow attacks, so Osvald and Ochette are useful here.

The Roque Company: West Tower Map

Octopath Traveler 2 The Roque Company West Tower Map.png

S/GreenSave Point
C1x1 Inspiriting Plum Basket
C2x1 Empowering Lychee (L)
C3x1 Fire Soulstone (L)
C4x1 Venom Lance

Enemies in This Area

Ocean Lizardking IIAxe, Bow, Ice
Ocean Lizardking IIIPolearm, Axe, Ice
Roque's GuardPolearm, Bow, Ice, Lightning
Roque's Guard IISword, Dagger, Lightning
War DogAxe, Bow, Fire, Lightning
Wind Curator Mk. IIPolearm, Bow, Lightning
Wind Guardian Mk. IISword, Dagger, Bow, Lightning
Wind Sentinel Mk. IISword, Polearm, Axe, Staff, Lightning

The Roque Company: East Tower

You’ll be able to hear Roque’s speech as soon as you exit the West Tower. You can stay to listen to it, but when you’re ready, cross the walkway to reach the East Tower.

The enemies here are the same as the ones in the West Tower, so you don't need to change up your party at all if your current team has been working for you.

The Roque Company: East Tower Map


Octopath Traveler 2 The Roque Company East Tower Map.png

S/GreenSave Point
C1x24,500 leaves
C2x1 Large Silver Ore
C3x1 Olive of Life (L)
C4x1 Aged Wine
C5x1 Mechanical Bow
C6x1 Refreshing Jam

Roque’s Announcement

You exit the headquarters just in time to see Roque’s newest invention – the Neo Steam Engine. Partitio shows up with the 80 billion leaves, but, as expected, Roque has no intention of honoring the deal. Thankfully, Tap to Reveal himself shows up to support Partitio.



Use Partitio’s Path Action to purchase the right to the steam engine for 80 billion leaves, then follow Roque after he storms off. Roque isn’t going to give up without making a huge scene.

Boss Battle: Steam Tank Obsidian

There’s no way this chapter would end without a boss fight, so get ready to fight a train – Steam Tank Obsidian to be precise. This is a boss that’s made up of several parts, so it’s a bit like fighting adds or minions in a normal boss fight.


Steam Tank Obsidian is made up of three separate parts along with its main body, and you need to destroy all three parts to unlock the train’s main weaknesses.

Each time you destroy a part, the main body loses 10 shields, so try to use AoE skills to break multiple shields at once.

This fight is more annoying than outright difficult because of the fact that the train can repair its parts after they’ve been destroyed. Individual parts will regain HP periodically, and all three broken parts get repaired when the train is around 50% HP.


Osvald is a smart choice here because of the many elemental weaknesses, and Ochette or Throné do a good job covering the physical ones. Partitio works more as a support, as his Donate BP skill is a lifesaver if you want to use your strongest abilities as often as possible.

Steam Tank Obsidian
StoryPartitio - Chapter 4
LocationRoque Island: Headquarters
WeaknessesSteam Tank Obsidian - Polearm, Bow, Dark

Glacis Plate - Sword, Axe, Staff, Fire, Ice

Smokestack - Polearm, Dagger, Axe, Fire, Lightning

Cannon - Sword, Dagger, Bow, Ice, Lightning

ShieldsSteam Tank Obsidian - 40

Glacis Plate - 6Smokestack - 5Cannon - 4

Special Skills
  • The steam tank is shielded by armor - Locks all weaknesses
  • Steam Whistle - AoE physical attack
  • Piston Viper No. 69 - AoE physical attack
  • Smoke - AoE Fire attack
  • Roll Out - Single-target physical attack
  • Brush Aside - Single-target physical attack
  • Loading Rounds - Cannon gets ready to fire in two turns
  • Undergoing Repairs - Smokestack prepares to attack in one turn
  • Enhance Armor - Raises Phys. and Elem. Def.
  • Smokescreen - Blinds entire party
  • Emergency Maintenance - Restores Shield points to one train part
  • Repairs - Restores all broken train parts
Stealx1 Revitalizing Jam
Items Obtainedx1 Revitalizing Jam

Roque tells you about his past after you defeat him, which seems to bring him back to his senses. After the dramatic scene, use Paritio’s Hire Path Action on Roque.

Partitio’s story comes to an end following a scene where Roque and Papp reunite to plan big changes for Oresrush. After the epilogue, Partitio learns the Share SP EX Skill, allowing him to give 25% of his remaining SP to an ally.

Up Next: Agnea's Story

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