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REJECT CLOAKER. RETURN TO MONKE. | Payday 2 Sociopath Perk Deck



I’d love to see you try my build out, I’ve tried so many other builds and they just don’t work like they say for me, but this, it has me as a god

Anarchist perk deck with improved combined tactical vest

The skills

Partners in crime aced (extra armour from convert as well as extra back up health and speed)
Joker ace (for the other perk and so they live long and hit hard with you)
Forced friendship (no choice)
Rifle man (ADS speed)
Stable shot (no choice)
Underdog ace (damage and damage taken reduced)
Iron man ace (for the armour)
Shock and awe ace (helps crew+knockback)
Bullseye ace (armour regen from headshots)
Transporter ace (you move quicker carrying cocaine and money)
resilience (no choice)
Body expertise ace (90% of headshot damage is applied to anywhere minus dozers so you don’t have to focus on head shots and mow down everything)
Lock and load (sprint and blast? Yes please)
Surefire ace (cause fuck body armour)
Steady grip ace (to make guns better to shoot with)
Parkour (movement speed)
Duck and cover (movement speed)
Second wind (escape speed, 2 seconds of that immune to damage from perk deck)
Frenzy ace (to activate berserker and less damage taken to compensate the regen astronomically)
Berserker ace (250% melee and 100% gun extra damage? Fuck yeah)
Bloodthrist ace (reload speed and up to 1600% melee damage with the berserker boost, nothing wants to be near you)
Martial arts (no choice)

I run it with the KSP light machine gun with long barrel, tactical compensator, bipod, accuracy, LED combo, 2 piece stock

And a commando rocket launcher for that splash damage (dozers mostly but running up to them blasting all that ksp damage into their face, you’re laughing)

What makes this build extra special? Have a friend run crew chief and get 1 hostage, enjoy the deathless soldier in super sayian get another to run manic for super sayian 2 and one on armourer (tested the last perk, it affects anarchists regen frequency) for super sayian 3

It’s good on it’s own but all 4 combined, it’s carnage, one down becomes a joke
