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'Snowfall' Season 3 Episode 9 sees Franklin unable to hide his fear before possibly meeting his end

Spoilers ahead for 'Snowfall' season 3 episode 9

'Snowfall' season 3 is unravelling at a rapid pace and Franklin Saint (Damson Idris) has reached a breaking point when it comes to dealing with the consequences of his actions which led to many lives being ruined. The penultimate episode of the show's season 3 reveals the once smart businessman who had kept himself away from the grit of the underworld and aimed only to earn enough money to lead a luxurious life, is no longer in play.

The Franklin who was fascinated about traveling first class is not the same anymore. All that is left of his old self is a shadow which haunts Franklin, especially after he pulled the trigger and killed his detective-neighbor Andre Wright (Marcus Henderson), who also happened to be his ex-girlfriend Melody Wright's (Reign Edwards) father. 

This episode is all about Franklin's inner struggle as he faces the consequences, not just of selling rock in the neighborhood and turning it into a profitable business but about the toll the need to be successful has taken on him. It all comes down to the fact that Franklin, at the moment, finds Reed Thompson aka Teddy McDonald (Carter Hudson) a vital part of his plan.

Not only did Reed get him out of prison, but he is also Franklin's source for more rock and to protect Reed is to protect himself. This was probably why Franklin found it necessary to erase the possibility of danger to Reed and thereby himself by shooting Andre and leaving him to bleed to death.

What really seems to weigh down on Franklin is the fact that the sandcastle he built can at any moment be destroyed; that everything he has worked for in the last few years can disappear overnight if he doesn't take the necessary steps.

All of his pent up frustration burst out when he realizes his friend Leon has been trying to wage a territory war with one of their drug pushers Manboy because of Leon's fragile ego. While Franklin continues to support Leon (Isaiah John) in Manboy's company, he tears him apart verbally later and the anger we see is a reflection of what he thinks of himself as well. 

Also, it is not just anger Franklin is feeling at the moment. There is fear mixed in as well and it is clearly visible to everyone around him including his mother Cissy (Michael Hyatt) and father Alton (Kevin Carroll ). Alton, especially, goes as far as to tell Cissy that either their son killed Andre or he commissioned someone to kill the detective for him.

That is how obvious Franklin's actions are and considering Melody has realized the truth about her father's death despite her state of mind at the moment, Franklin is precariously balanced at the edge of a cliff and it is not going to take too much to push him off it. 

Ironically, the one source of comfort for Franklin turned out to be Reed, who empathized with Franklin's position. The blood of innocents on his hand, the family that he needs to take care of and the deafening aftermath that all of this brings along is loneliness.

Every time Franklin turns a corner, there is something that pulls him down and pulls him down hard and this time it is none other than Melody, the girl he had once been in love with. 

While the promo of the episode clearly showed Franklin get ready for death at the hands of Andre's partner Herb, he did not expect to be facing the muzzle of a gun pulled out by Melody. Unsurprisingly, Herb made a deal with Franklin and let him off-the-hook for killing his partner.

Melody, on the other hand, has nothing to gain and all she can think of is bringing Franklin down. Was she successful? Or was it all in her head, conjured up during one of the many mental trips she recently seems to be taking while high on drugs?

That's something the finale of the show will reveal and we cannot wait to see what goes down. The 'Snowfall' Season 3 finale will air Wednesday at 10 p.m. on FX. 
