Stray: What Happens At the End of the Game?
Eventually, the cat and B-12 reach the walled city’s control center. Unlike the rest of the underground metropolis, this location is in pristine condition, and the Companions (the robots players encounter throughout the game) there show no personalities whatsoever. The area is essentially a time capsule that captured the city in its prime. It also appears to be the only way out. Unfortunately, the doors are locked thanks to an ongoing confinement procedure.
B-12 hacks its way into the control room’s center (with a helping claw from the cat) and then recovers the last of its memories. It turns out that B-12 used to be a human scientist who witnessed the plague that wiped out humanity, hence the confinement procedure. B-12’s original human form wanted to upload his consciousness into a robot body, but something went wrong, and he got stuck in electronic limbo for hundreds of years. Thanks to the cat’s intervention, the scientist finally received a body: the B-12 drone. In a sense, B-12 is now the last human alive, and he wants to help the cat open the city now more than ever. To do that, though, he needs to bypass the lockdown, which involves turning on several systems.
As B-12 interfaces with computers, he experiences electrical blowbacks that injure his drone’s systems. At first, he writes the damage off as a temporary problem that is easily fixed. However, by the time B-12 is ready to finally open the doors, he reveals that he knew going in he would have to sacrifice himself to open the walled city.
As B-12 says his final goodbye, he states that the future lies in the hands of the Companions, as well as the cat, and disengages the lockdown. B-12 falls lifeless to the floor, and the cat mourns for him by cuddling next to the drone. However, B-12’s sacrifice pays off. The city opens up, which not only allows the Companions to see the sky for the first time but soon destroys the mutant Zurks and robotic Sentinels that hounded the cat earlier in the game. Stray ends with the cat finally leaving the city, presumably to rejoin its friends.
Stray: Are There Any Alternate or Secret Endings?
Up until the final area, Stray is a linear experience (not that that’s a bad thing, mind you), and the control center section doesn’t change that. While the game includes plenty of collectibles, such as sheet music and codes, it doesn’t provide any side missions or other, traditional ways to significantly alter the ending.
What you see is what you get with Stray, and you only get the one ending listed above. Still, one of the screens in the walled city lights up after the cat exits, which could imply the game’s story isn’t over. Perhaps we might see some DLC or even a Stray 2. Fingers crossed.