published on in josbos

The Best Rap Collaborations Of All Time

When she first started writing "W.A.P.," Cardi B conceived it as a duet between herself and Megan Thee Stallion but was initially hesitant to ask. "A lot of collabs that I haven't made yet — it's really because of my shyness," Cardi B told Tidal (via Insider). After getting her contact info — their wardrobe stylists knew each other — they hit it off. "We started having girly conversations — just funny stuff. A couple of days later, we start sending tracks to each other."

 "W.A.P." is full of sexual connotation, with Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion describing throughout their readiness, willingness, and eagerness to engage in all kinds of very specific pleasurable experiences. The song, which debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100, was celebrated by millions for its frank, clever, and blatantly sexual content, and derided by just as many for exactly the same reasons, according to NME.

The song is full of memorable, beyond flirtatious lines barely shrouded in metaphor, like "I want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garage," and how a man who performs a certain act on them will contract diabetes and be willing to pay for their college tuition, taking the humble out of humble-brag.
