Music has a unique way of speaking to our hearts and souls. It often becomes the soundtrack of our lives, resonating deeply with our emotions and experiences. One song that has had a profound impact on me is “Someday Soon” by Wilder Woods. The lyrics, combined with its soulful melody, have touched me in ways I can’t quite explain. In this article, I will explore the meaning behind this beautiful song and share some of my personal experiences with it.
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Exploring the Lyrics
The verses of “Someday Soon” portray the struggles that many of us face on our journey through life. The shadow in the hallway symbolizes the fears and uncertainties that try to frighten us. However, the song encourages us not to let darkness surround us and reminds us that we have the strength to make it through. It urges us not to give up on our dreams, even when it may feel like everything is crashing down.
The chorus repeats the phrase “Someday soon,” emphasizing that our worries will eventually pass. It serves as a reminder that no matter how overwhelming our difficulties may seem, there is always hope for a brighter future. This simple yet profound message resonates deeply with the listener, offering solace and comfort.
In the second verse, the song explores the weight of decision-making and the burden of shame. It encourages us not to let the shame tell us things that we know deep down aren’t true. It acknowledges the feelings of being an outsider but reminds us that our perception doesn’t define us. We are reminded of the power of forgiveness and the need for gentle self-reminders when we forget its importance.
The post-chorus repeats the phrase “Sometimes the cold wind blows, sometimes the wolves rush in.” This serves as a reminder that even when we think the battle is over, difficulties can arise unexpectedly. It encourages us not to let our guard down and to continue standing strong, even when we think we have reached an endpoint.
Personal Connection
Like many others, I have faced numerous challenges in life. There have been moments when I felt overwhelmed, unsure of my path, and haunted by self-doubt. It was during one of these challenging periods that I discovered “Someday Soon.” The lyrics seemed to have been written specifically for me, as if the songwriter, Wilder Woods, had looked into my soul and captured my deepest fears and hopes.
I found solace and inspiration in the words of this song. It reminded me that darkness is only temporary, and there is always a glimmer of hope on the horizon. It encouraged me to keep pushing forward, even when it felt like everything was falling apart. “Someday Soon” became my anthem of resilience and a source of comfort during difficult times.
“Someday Soon” by Wilder Woods is a song that resonates deeply with its listeners. Its heartfelt lyrics deliver a powerful message of hope, resilience, and self-belief. The song reminds us that we have the strength to overcome the challenges that life throws at us, and that brighter days lie ahead. It serves as a reminder to hold on during the toughest of times and to never lose faith in ourselves.
Next time you feel lost or overwhelmed, I urge you to give “Someday Soon” a listen. Let its soulful melody and empowering lyrics guide you through the darkness and inspire you to keep moving forward. Remember, someday soon, your worries will roll on and a brighter future will be within your reach.
Album title: Wilder Woods (2019)
Written By:
Cason Cooley, Gabe Simon, Natalie Hemby, Trent Dabbs & Bear Rinehart
Release Date:
April 5, 2019