In Dying Light 2 Stay Human, the Church of Saint Thomas is a church on the east side of Saint Paul Island. There are two Inhibitors in the Church of Saint Thomas — one in an Inhibitor Container, and one in a safe. Both of them require you to climb almost to the top of the church. The Inhibitor Container is on a scaffold on the west side of the belfry, and the safe is in a room above the belfry. But where is the safe code?

While most safes in Dying Light 2 Stay Human have an easy-to-find safe code note nearby, the Church of Saint Thomas safe does not. But if you use your Survivor Sense while standing next to the safe, then look up, you’ll find the crate that contains the safe code note.
Related: What is the Bazaar safe code in Dying Light 2 Stay Human?

To reach it, go out of the north archway, then turn left and jump up on top of the gargoyle. From here, jump to the ledge above, then open the crate and take the safe code note. If you find it under Mementos on your Collectables tab, you’ll see that it simply says “444”. There are no clues or riddles this time — the Saint Thomas safe code is 444. So, carefully drop back down to the safe and enter 4 – 4 – 4 into its dial. Then open the safe and help yourself to that Inhibitor.

About the author

Gavin Mackenzie
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