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WWE SmackDown Results (2/9/24)

In-Ring Segment: Paul “Triple H” Levesque

Raw GM Adam Pearce and SmackDown GM Nick Aldis are already in the ring. Triple H says after last night, they took a hard left turn on the road to WrestleMania. It’s on fire, and Triple H couldn’t be happier. A “Rocky Sucks” chant breaks out. Triple H wanted to clear up a couple of things from last night. Maybe some people don’t know their role. Triple H wants to set the record straight. Last night, someone tried to assert their authority, but they don’t have any. Triple H notes that he doesn’t care where you sit at the table; one man has the authority, and we are looking at him. Triple H announces that Roman Reigns will defend the championship in the main event of WrestleMania against Cody Rhodes.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (2/2/24)

There are some people who won’t like this decision, but it doesn’t matter if they don’t like that decision. Triple H officially welcomes everyone to the road to WrestleMania. Nick Aldis says with that decision, they have decided that Seth Rollins’ WWE World Heavyweight challenger will be determined at the Elimination Chamber. Aldis gives the floor to Adam Pearce. Pearce announces the competitors who will have a chance to enter the chamber match: Randy Orton, Bronson Reed, Kevin Owens, Logan Paul, AJ Styles, The Miz, Bobby Lashley, Ivar, Drew McIntyre, Sami Zayn, Dominik Mysterio, and LA Knight. Pearce introduces Drew McIntyre. McIntyre walks out on the ramp. McIntyre thanks the crowd for showing they agree with him by buying his shirt and celebrating CM Punk’s Injury. The crowd boos. McIntyre puts himself over as the person who saved WrestleMania.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Drew McIntyre vs. AJ Styles

Before the match starts, LA Knight’s music hits. Knight stomps his way down the ramp and joins the commentary desk. Styles kicks McIntyre in the knee and lands a flurry of strikes. Styles tries a leap out of the corner. McIntyre catches Styles and hits a suplex. Styles and McIntyre trade strikes. Styles runs right into a backbreaker. McIntyre works over Styles. The fight spills out of the ring. McIntyre tweaks his knee. McIntyre launches Styles into the timekeeper’s area. After the break, Styles surprises McIntyre with a DDT. Both men are down. Styles lights McIntyre up with a flurry of strikes. McIntyre drives Styles into the corner.

Styles counters McIntyre’s avalanche white noise attempt into a running powerbomb. McIntyre kicks out. Styles lifts McIntyre in a fireman’s carry. McIntyre escapes and hits a future shock DDT. McIntyre kips up but hurts his knee in the process. Styles ducks the Claymore. Styles traps McIntyre in the Calf Crusher. McIntyre gets to the ropes. McIntyre counters the Phenomenal Forearm with a Glasgow kiss. Styles hits the floor with a thud. Styles and McIntyre fight near the commentary desk. McIntyre tosses Styles over the desk. Knight pours water on Knight. McIntyre pushes Styles into Knight. Styles rolls up McIntyre, but Knight hops on the barricade and tries to get in the ring, distracting the referee in the process. Styles walks into a Claymore. McIntyre pins Styles.

Winner- Drew McIntyre

Backstage, Sami Zayn says he will take whatever chances he gets to make his way to WrestleMania.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Bianca Belair vs. Michin

Belair picks up Michin for the KOD as soon as the bell rings. Michin escapes and sends Belair out of the ring. Michin lands a PK on the apron. After the break, Michin sends Belair into the ring post. Michin and Belair trade elbow strikes. Lariat by Michin. Flying neckbreaker by Michin. Belair tries the superstar press. Michin gets her knees up, but Belair blocks Michin’s knees. Belair flips Michin over and lands a spinebuster. Michin kicks out.

Corner ten punches by Belair. Michin slips down and slams Belair’s face into the ring post. Superplex by Michin. Michin tries Eat d’Feet. Belair counters and tries the KOD. Michin escapes and hits Eat D’Feet. Belair falls out of the ring. Michin brings Belair back into the ring. Michin sets up the Styles Clash. Belair back body drops Michin out of it. KOD by Belair. Belair pins Michin.

Winner- Bianca Belair

WWE SmackDown Results Continue on the Next Page!

In-Ring Segment: 2024 Women’s Royal Rumble Winner Bayley

Bayley says she has been struggling to figure out what happened last week. She started to think before coming out here tonight that there were people who thought she had it coming. Bayley asks the crowd if they are cool now. The crowd goes nuts. Bayley says Damage CTRL meant everything to me. They were her family. She put Damage CTRL over herself. She didn’t ask any questions or want anything in return. Bayley thought that after she won the Rumble, everything would be fine. They laughed every time she turned around. She is not an idiot. Bayley has been in this situation too often to fall for it again.

Dakota Kai runs down to the ring and asks Bayley if she has been ghosting her. Kai says she didn’t know what was going to happen last week. Bayley tells her to cut the crap. Kai says she believes in Bayley and Damage CTRL. Kai puts it on Kairi Sane and Asuka. They turned Iyo Sky against Bayley. Kai says she misses the OG three of Damage CTRL. Bayley asks Kai where she stands. Before Kai can answer. Damage CTRL interrupts. Kai bails out of the ring. Damage CTRL surrounds the ring. Kai grabs a steel chair and goes after Sky, Asuka, and Sane. Bayley and Kai stand tall in the ring.

Backstage, Bobby Lashley is with The Street Profits and B-Fab. Lashley says he’s booking his ticket to WrestleMania, and the first step is against Bronson Reed on Monday night.

Tag Team Championship Number One Contender’s Match: Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne vs. #DIY

Bate and Gargano trade tackles, dropdowns, and pin attempts. Neither man can get the advantage. Dunne gets a blind tag and floors Gargano with a lariat. Ciampa gets a blind tag and floors Dunne with a lariat. Dunne misses a moonsault off the apron. Gargano catches him with a dive. Ciampa obliterates Dunne with a flash knee. After the break, Bate airplane spins Gargano while giving Ciampa a big swing. Dunne and Bate set up their finish. Gargano turns it into a double rana. Gargano nails Dunne with a suicide DDT. Ciampa hits Project Ciampa on Bate. Bate kicks out. Gargano and Ciampa set up Meet in the Middle. Dunne breaks it up by snapping Ciampa’s fingers. Bate takes Ciampa out with a dive. Dunne counters a slingshot spear with a nasty right hand. Dunne hits the Bitter End Gargano for the win.

Winners and NEW Number One Contenders, Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne!

After the match, Dunne and Bate pound it out with Ciampa and Gargano.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (2/2/24)

Backstage, Dominik Mysterio says it doesn’t matter who The Judgement Day faces; Bálor and Priest will walk away from the tag champs. Mysterio promises to win the Elimination Chamber so he can go on to WrestleMania. He wants to have a title that matches his Mami’s. It doesn’t matter who he has to face to qualify. Kevin Owens walks in and says he’s facing Mysterio and will beat him in honor of the greatest luchador in history, Rey Mysterio. Mysterio walks off. R-Truth walks in and tells Kevin to be careful that Nick doesn’t see him since he’s not supposed to be here. Owens asks if Truth means Nick Mysterio. Truth says, no, Nick Aldis. Owens walks off.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Sami Zayn vs. Randy Orton

Orton floors Zayn with a shoulder block. Zayn sends Orton out of the ring. Zayn tries a dive. Orton moves. Zayn backflips off the ropes and lands on his feet. Orton tries the corner ten punches. Zayn escapes and lands his corner punches. Orton escapes that and finishes his punches. The fight spills out of the ring. Orton sends Zayn into the barricade, but Zayn leaps on the barricade and lands a moonsault. Orton tries to suplex Zayn on the commentary desk. Zayn backflips out of it and suplexes Orton on the desk. After the break, Orton lands a superplex. Orton clutches at his back after hitting the mat.

The referee checks on Orton. Zayn forces Orton into the corner. Orton hits a clothesline. Zayn hits the ropes and eats a snap power slam. Before Orton can capitalize, Zayn rolls out to the apron. Zayn counters the Orton DDT by dumping Orton over the top. Suicide dive by Zayn. Orton crashes into the barricade back first. Zayn and Orton trade shots. Orton suplexes Zayn on the commentary desk. Orton DDT by Orton. Zayn counters the RKO with a roll up. Orton kicks out. Orton tries the RKO again, but Zayn reverses it into a blue thunder bomb. Zayn leapfrogs over Zayn and gets caught with an RKO. Orton pins Zayn.

Winner- Randy Orton

After the match, Drew McIntyre appears and has a staredown with Orton.

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